The museum, which opened Feb. 19, 2005, currently features photographs, historic record and a variety of artifacts from veterans and other citizens of the St. Cloud area, the Woman's Club of St. Cloud, the Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.), the St. Cloud Garden Club, the New York/New Jersey Club, the Business and Professional Women's Club, and many other groups and individuals involved in St. Cloud and its history.
A growing collection of documents and artifacts on the early history of St. Cloud includes copies of the Robert A. Fisk collection of postcards and photographs and the Pat McMullen collection of postcards of early St. Cloud. The series of articles by Robert A. Fisk on the history of St. Cloud which have appeared in St. Cloud In the News are also included in the museum collection.
Issues of early St. Cloud newspapers are available on microfilm for viewing at the museum. These include microfilm of the St. Cloud Tribune from March 1911 through February 1943 and most issues of the St. Cloud News from January 1936 to March 1983. Paper copies of St. Cloud In the News, which began publishing in May 2002, are also available.
Visitors are welcome to come and browse or sit, read and take notes. The museum has a WiFi connection for your research.